Brutally worked-over
I have intentionally, academically, poetically sought out and read some pretty decrepit, vile literature, pursuing the belief that within, I would find, mostly, one of two things: either I would find views of society/reality/politics expressed outside of the confines anticipated in the general critical body; or, I would find deeply moved and hectic, arousing poetry, possibly the vulgarity could be used as a codex within which could be expressed new and profound notions of corporeality.
This book I read years after that initial study, and I found it short of all the possible charm any of these 19th and early 20th Century Continental authors could cull.
I found it gratuitous and lascivious, but for a few parts which leveled contemporary society with erudite, anarchic critique.
Worth reading for the philosophical pages... nah.
Read Maldoror if you're looking for something along these lines. Stil a good read, just sayin.