An interesting premise
The Light of Luna Park by Addison Armstrong is a dual timeline novel. The story alternates between Althea Anderson and Stella Wright. Stella has just lost her mother and her grief is highlighting parts of her life that are unsatisfactory. Stella quits her job and decides to empty out her mother�s apartment on her own. While going through a special box, Stella finds some curious letters. She begins to wonder if she really knew her mother. Stella decides to follow the clues and see where they lead. Stella is in for a journey where her mother�s deepest secret will be revealed. I found The Light of Luna Park to be a depressing story. The beginning is slow with the pacing picking up in the second half of the story. I thought the author captured both time periods (1926 and 1950) especially the attitudes of doctors in the 1920s, the PTSD that affected World War II soldiers, and the feelings of people towards the education of students with disabilities. I did not find either character likeable and there was too much repetition of certain details (twice is fine, but more than that is too much). Althea was preferrable to Stella for me. Stella�s woe is me attitude got on my nerves. I understood that Stella was grieving, but she let it overwhelm her whole life (it makes for a depressing story). It was interesting learning about Dr. Couney, and his infamous incubator babies exhibit at Coney Island. At the end of the book, I was left with unanswered questions. The Light of Luna Park had an interesting premise, but it did not appeal to me. Each of us view books differently. I suggest that you read a sample to see if this historical novel appeals to you. The Light of Luna Park is a dual timeline novel with infamous incubators, a committed mother, a repugnant principal, abnormal missives, an unsettled spouse, and an essential mission.