Still relevant and troubling today
William Stephenson ("Intrepid") produced this memoir of British propaganda, economic warfare, and covert actions in US government, business, and banking over 50 years ago, with a co-author from his MI6 operations centre in Rockefeller Center at 630 Fifth Avenue in New York. The governmental and military infiltration, media control, and black operations begun during WWII were decisive in winning the war against fascism. Arguably the same fatal compromise of American political, military, and policy independence lost the peace, however.
The infiltration of American political, military, and journalistic institutions run by Stephenson (as Churchill's direct, personal agent) and documented in this book explain the present world situation. That is because, by subverting and ultimately perverting US policy and the integrity of New Deal institutions ranging from the FCC and SEC to the OSS/CIA -- starting in the late 1930s -- the United States was transformed into the ultimate inheritor and co-imperator of the vicious and despised British Empire, with its interlocked international monetary, debt, settlement, and trading systems. Hopefully that won't be the epitaph of America's economic and humanitarian heritage of the Bill of RIghts and Alexander Hamilton's American System of development.
But for now, the question remains open. Read this book to understand the details of the systematic, sophisticated, comprehensive, and ultimately murderous intent of British imperial policy and practice, as it unfolded here in the takeover of the US mind and will, before and during WWII.