Randall Price, PH.D.
Randall Price (Th.M. Old Testament and Semitic Languages, and Ph.D. Middle Eastern Studies) has lived in Jerusalem and done graduate studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. As president of World of the Bible Ministries, he lectures worldwide on Bible prophecy and directs tours in the Bible lands. He is the author of Unholy War, Fast Facts on the Middle East Conflict, and Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Randall Price (Th.M. Old Testament and Semitic Languages, and Ph.D. Middle Eastern Studies) has lived in Jerusalem and done graduate studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. As president of World of the Bible Ministries, he lectures worldwide on Bible prophecy and directs tours in the Bible lands. He is the author of Unholy War, Fast Facts on the Middle East Conflict, and Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls. See less