Total Abolition of Personal Restraint in the Treatment of the Insane [electronic Resource]: a Lecture on the Management of Lunatic Asylums and the Treatment of the Insane, Delivered at the Mechanics' Institution, Lincoln, on the 21st of June, 1838: ...
by Robert Gardiner 1811-1878 Hill, John 1794-1866 Former Owner Conolly (Creator), King's College London (Creator)
Sketches in Bedlam, or, Characteristic Traits of Insanity as Displayed in the Cases of One Hundred and Forty Patients of Both Sexes, Now, or Recently, Confined in New Bethlem Including Margaret Nicholson, James Hatfield, Patrick Walsh, Bannister...
by John 1764-1844 Haslam, Benjamin Former Owner Ridge (Creator), John 1794-1866 Former Owner? Conolly (Creator)