Between The Lines
This book was put out by the West, England to be exact, during the height of what we all know as the cold war. This is a heavily one sided book that does it's best to strike fear in the mind of the reader with the all but inevitable prospect of war and how the Kampfgruppen auf der Arbeiterkalsse (Combat Groups Of the Working Class) will play a major part of that. However, as someone who is interested in the DDR and wants to read deeper into it history/general information, this is a good book. It is a short volume, a primer that gives the basics to how it started and what it had become early in the existence of the DDR. It covers the beginning, the numbers and make-up of the units, weapons, political indoctrination and more. Most people who get this book will know most of this, but it is nice to have and it is a light read. It is filled with pictures, early pictures which are always nice to see. It is more than worth it and it will always have a place on my DDR reference shelf.