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Goodwill Southern California

Goodwill Southern California

3150 N San Fernando Rd, Los Angeles, CA 90065 USA 3235438446
Directions to Goodwill Southern California

Since 1916, Goodwill of Southern California (GSC) has enhanced the quality of life of people with disabilities or other disadvantages by providing education, training and job opportunities to assist them in becoming more self-sufficient and productive. Goodwill Southern California operates 65 retail stores, 42 attended donation centers, three campuses and 24 services locations in Los Angeles (north of Rosecrans Ave.), Riverside and San Bernardino counties. Donations of quality reusable items from the public are sold in our retail stores and our online eBay store. Your donations and purchases help support these important programs and make the community a better place for all of us.

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Alibris seller since November 2012

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