Claudio Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine (1992)
by Agnès Mellon (soprano), David Thomas (bass), Gerhard O'Beirn (tenor), Guillemette Laurens (soprano), Howard Crook (tenor), Les Sacqueboutiers, Peter Kooij (bass), Vincent Darras (alto), William Kendall (tenor), Collegium Vocale (choir, chorus)
Puccini: Requiem; Leos Janacek: Mass in E flat (1995)
by Christopher Monks (organ), Douglas Paterson (violin), Douglas Paterson (viola), Geoffrey Webber (organ), Helen Cole (harp), Lynette Alcantara (alto), Michael Phillips (organ), Peter Harvey (baritone), Shelley Everall (soprano), William Kendall (tenor)
George Frideric Handel: Israel in Egypt; The Ways of Zion Do Mourn (1992)
by Alistair Ross (harpsichord), Ashley Stafford (counter tenor), B. Gordon (counter tenor), Charles Brett (counter tenor), Charles Stewart (bass), Christopher Royall (counter tenor), D. Greene (soprano), Elisabeth Priday (soprano)