Gregorian Requiem: Chants of the Requieum Mass (1995)
by Betsey Bott (vocals), Br. Mark Bushnell (vocals), Br. Peter Logan (vocals), Christine Helfrich (vocals), Fr. Martin Shannon (vocals), Gloriae Dei Cantores, James Jordan (vocals), Kathy Schuman (vocals), Lucia Smith (vocals), Nathanael Reese (vocals)
The Life of Christ in Gregorian Chant (2017)
by Amanda Dawn Ortolani (cantor), Br. Peter Logan (cantor), Christine Helfrich (cantor), David Chalmers (organ), Helen Spatzeck-Olsen (cantor), James Jordan (organ), James Jordan (cantor), Joan Jackson (cantor), Julia Witter (cantor), Kathy Schuman (cantor)