King Solomon's Curse (Wilde...
Andy McDermott
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Wilde's Women: How Oscar...
Eleanor Fitzsimons
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eBook from $4.50
Epigrams & Aphorisms
Oscar Wilde,
George Henry Sargent (Creator)
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The Fall of the House of...
Emer O'Sullivan,
John Telfer (Read by)
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The Happy Prince: A Tale by...
Oscar Wilde,
Maisie Paradise Shearring
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Wilde Style: The Plays and...
Neil Sammells
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eBook from $50.60
The Midas Legacy
Andy McDermott
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Oscar Wilde in Context
Kerry Powell (Editor),
Peter Raby (Editor)
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The Midas Legacy
Andy McDermott,
Gildart Jackson (Narrator)
Buy from $59.84
The Fall of the House of...
Emer O'Sullivan
Buy from $14.31
Philosophy and Oscar Wilde
Michael Y Bennett (Editor)
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eBook from $29.70
A Preface to Oscar Wilde
Anne Varty
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The Fall of the House of...
Emer O'Sullivan
Buy from $2.36
eBook from $13.48
Oscar Wilde's Historical...
Philip E. Smith II (Editor)
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Wilde's Women: How Oscar...
Eleanor Fitzsimons
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Performing Salome, Revealing...
Clair Rowden (Editor)
Buy from $70.31
eBook from $36.85
El Retrato de Dorian Gray:...
Martin Hernandez B (Editor),
Oscar Wilde
Buy from $16.29
Wilde Times: Patricia Wilde,...
Joel Lobenthal
Buy from $25.00
The Fall of the House of...
Emer O'Sullivan
Buy from $69.11
Oscar Wilde
R Thurston 1884- Hopkins
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Oscar Wilde Discovers America
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Wilde's Women: How Oscar...
Eleanor Fitzsimons
Buy from $4.91
Oscar Wilde: His Life and...
Professor Frank Harris, III
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Oscar Wilde, Wilfred Owen,...
James Campbell
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eBook from $16.50