Oscar Wilde and Modern...
Joseph Bristow (Editor)
Buy from $36.23
eBook from $34.99
Oscar Wilde, Wilfred Owen,...
James Campbell
Buy from $51.65
eBook from $16.50
Wilde the Irishman
Jerusha H McCormick (Editor)
Buy from $7.00
eBook from $50.00
Wilde Discoveries: Traditions...
Joseph Bristow (Editor)
Buy from $40.58
eBook from $55.80
A Preface to Oscar Wilde
Anne Varty
Buy from $16.31
eBook from $30.25
The Modern Art of Influence...
S Salamensky
Buy from $51.65
eBook from $29.70
Palgrave Advances in Oscar...
Frederick S Roden
Buy from $15.00
eBook from $29.70
Darwin, Tennyson and Their...
Valerie Purton (Editor)
Buy from $25.62
eBook from $32.00
The Faiths of Oscar Wilde:...
J Killeen
Buy from $103.32
eBook from $29.70
Oscar Wilde
Ruth Robbins
Buy from $15.95
eBook from $20.45
Wilde Between the Sheets:...
David Walton
Buy from $130.72
eBook from $29.25
Oscar Wilde's Society Plays
Michael Y Bennett (Editor)
Buy from $51.65
eBook from $16.50
In Extremis
Neil Bartlett
Buy from $11.91
eBook from $8.75
Wilde Writings: Contextual...
Joseph Bristow (Editor)
Buy from $44.78
eBook from $67.80
Modernist Aesthetics and...
Paul Fortunato
Buy from $23.55
eBook from $34.10
The Evolution of Wilde's Wit
J Gantar
Buy from $45.70
eBook from $16.50
Wilde's Other Worlds
Michael F. Davis,
Petra Dierkes-Thrun
Buy from $95.00
eBook from $30.80
Oscar Wilde in Deutschland...
Rainer Kohlmayer
Buy from $144.67
eBook from $196.00
File on Wilde
Margery M Morgan,
Simon Trussler (Editor)
Buy from $8.00
eBook from $14.04