sketchBook Sir Michael Huhn...
Sir Michael Huhn
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Advanced Textile Engineering...
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B S Butola (Editor)
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Mary B. Rose
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Tintawn and Binder Twine: The...
John Rigby-Jones
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Advances in Technical...
George Kellie (Editor)
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Textiles in Sport
Roshan Shishoo (Editor)
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Sustainable Apparel:...
Richard Blackburn (Editor)
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Joseph L White,
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Maurece Schiller
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Globalizing Beauty:...
Hartmut Berghoff,
T. Kühne (Editor)
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Handloom Weavers in Ulster's...
K J James
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Virtual Clothing: Theory and...
Pascal Volino,
N Magnenant-Thalmann
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E. Giacosa
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The Fundamentals of Quality...
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Textiles in the Pacific, 1500...
Debin Ma
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Engineering Techniques of...
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Fashion Entrepreneurship: The...
Neri Karra
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Workers' Rights and Labor...
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New Directions in Art,...
Annamma Joy (Editor),
Deniz Atik (Contributions by)
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New Product Development in...
L Horne (Editor)
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Textile Fabrics and Their...
Isabel B. Wingate
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Introductory Textile Science
Marjory L Joseph
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