The Negro Baseball Leagues:...
Bob Motley,
Byron Motley
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The Hometown Team: Four...
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Joseph Wancho
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Baltimore Orioles: Where Have...
Jeff Seidel
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Greg W Prince
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Dodgers Encyclopedia
William F McNeil
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A Season to Forget: The Story...
Ronald Snyder
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You're the Umpire: 152...
Wayne Stewart,
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More Than a Game: 13 Keys to...
Kyleigh E Villarreal
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The Ultimate Guide to Weight...
Robert G Price
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Sam Pathy
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The New Baseball Bible: Notes...
Dan Schlossberg,
Chip Caray (Foreword by)
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The Softball Drill Book
Kirk Walker (Editor)
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A Season for the Ages: How...
Al Yellon,
Pat Hughes (Foreword by)
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A Franchise on the Rise: The...
Dom Amore,
John Sterling (Foreword by)
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All Rise - The Aaron Judge...
Bill Gutman
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Baseball Miscellany:...
Matthew Silverman
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Facing Mariano Rivera:...
David Fischer
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Tales from the Toronto Blue...
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Tales from the New York Mets...
Bruce Markusen
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So You Think You're a Kansas...
Curt Nelson
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Ballparks Yesterday and Today
Publications International (Editor)
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