The Four Tests: What It Will...
Daniel Baer,
Travis Tonn (Read by)
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Only the Strong: Reversing...
Tom Cotton,
Tony Messano (Read by)
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Enemies and Allies: An...
Joel C Rosenberg,
Michael Beck (Narrator)
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8 Billion and Counting: How...
Jennifer D Sciubba,
Christine Williams (Read by)
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The Avoidable War: The...
Kevin Rudd,
Rafe Beckley (Read by)
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The Wires of War: Technology...
Jacob Helberg,
Jesse Einstein (Read by)
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Putin's Playbook: Russia's...
Rebekah Koffler,
Joyce Sternton (Read by)
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Putin's Playbook: Russia's...
Rebekah Koffler,
Joyce Sternton (Read by)
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The Generals Have No Clothes:...
William M Arkin,
Mark Bramhall (Read by)
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Saving Freedom: Truman, the...
Joe Scarborough
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Saving Freedom: Truman, the...
Joe Scarborough
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Battlegrounds: The Fight to...
H R McMaster
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Battlegrounds: The Fight to...
H R McMaster
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The Spymasters: How the Cia's...
Chris Whipple,
Mark Bramhall (Read by)
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October Surprise: How the FBI...
Devlin Barrett,
John Bedford Lloyd (Read by)
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The Grifter's Club: Trump,...
Sarah Blaskey,
Nicholas Nehamas
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America in the World: A...
Robert B Zoellick
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The Madman Theory Lib/E:...
Jim Sciutto
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Crisis on the Border: An...
Matt C Pinsker,
Dan Crue (Read by)
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14 Miles: Building the Border...
Dw Gibson,
Ramón de Ocampo (Read by)
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The Room Where It Happened: A...
John Bolton (Epilogue by),
Robert Petkoff (Read by)
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In the Dark of War: A CIA...
Sarah Carlson,
Teri Schnaubelt (Read by)
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The Kill Chain: Defending...
Christian Brose
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The Withdrawal Lib/E: Iraq,...
Noam Chomsky,
Vijay Prashad
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