Animal Learning & Cognition
N J Mackintosh (Editor)
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The Development of Numerical...
Sarah T Boysen (Editor),
E John Capaldi (Editor)
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Cognitive Aspects of Stimulus...
Werner K Honig (Editor),
J Gregor Fetterman (Editor)
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Current Topics in Animal...
Lawrence Dachowski (Editor),
Charles F Flaherty (Editor)
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Contemporary Learning...
Stephen B Klein (Editor),
Robert R Mowrer (Editor)
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Contemporary Learning...
Stephen B Klein (Editor),
Robert R Mowrer (Editor)
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Social Learning:...
Thomas R Zentall (Editor),
B G Galef Jr (Editor)
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Evolution and Learning
R C Bolles (Editor),
M D Beecher (Editor)
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Issues in the Ecological...
T D Johnston (Editor),
A T Pietrewicz (Editor)
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Mechanisms of Learning and...
A Dickinson (Editor),
R A Boakes (Editor)
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