Évaluation des caract...
Dipu Sukumaran,
Arathy Krisnha
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Hydrogéochimie du bloc...
Nandita Mahanta
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Geology's Significant Sites...
R. M. Clary (Editor),
E.J. Pyle (Editor)
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Caractérisation biog...
Isabel Honorata de Souza Azevedo
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Walking the Bones of Britain:...
Christopher Somerville
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Caracterização geoeléctrica...
G Oluseyi Daramola
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Proceedings of the 9th...
Vladimir Karev (Editor)
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Étude électromagnétique pour...
K M P C Karunarathne,
H A Dharmagunawardhana
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Caractérisation géoélectrique...
G Oluseyi Daramola
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História tectónica das placas...
Magloire Fabien
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Aperçu de la géologie du...
Cristóvão Valério
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Compréhension de l...
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Applications of Palynology in...
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Tectónica de Placas: Y Fen...
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The Geology of North Africa
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Geoarchäologische und...
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Intrusão de salinidade no rio...
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Deepwater Geohazards in the...
Shiguo Wu,
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Étude géoarchéologique et...
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Verständnis des...
Somasankara Rao Koppisetti
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Überblick über die Geologie...
Cristóvão Valério
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Compreensão do ambiente...
Somasankara Rao Koppisetti
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Regional Geology and...
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A Simulação de Carregamento e...
Michael J B Santos
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