The Turbine Pilot's Flight...
Gregory N Brown,
Mark J Holt
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Claire Soares, (P
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The Design of High-Efficiency...
David Gordon Wilson
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Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine...
Irwin E Treager
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Aircraft Powerplants:...
Thomas W Wild,
John M Davis
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Chrysler's Turbine Car: The...
Steve Lehto,
Jay Leno (Foreword by)
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Gas Turbine Combined Cycle...
S. G?len
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Operation, Maintenance, and...
Hiyam Farhat
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Aircraft Engine Design
Jack D Mattingly,
William H Heiser
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Fundamentals of Gas Turbines
William W Bathie
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Aircraft Engine Design,...
Jack D Mattingly,
William H Heiser
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Gas Turbine Engineering...
Meherwan P Boyce
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Advanced Gas Turbine Cycles
J H Horlock
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Gas Turbine Theory
Henry Cohen
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eBook from $38.99
Gas Turbine Theory
H I H Saravanamuttoo,
G F C Rogers
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Gas Turbine Performance
Philip P Walsh
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Elements of Propulsion: Gas...
Jack D. Mattingly,
Keith Boyer
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eBook from $107.95
Aircraft Gas Turbine...
Charles E Otis
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Aerothermodynamics of Gas...
Gordon C Oates,
G Oates
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Unsteady Combustor Physics
Tim C. Lieuwen
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eBook from $92.00
Aircraft Propulsion and Gas...
Ahmed F. El-Sayed
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eBook from $121.00
Aircraft Gas Turbine...
Charles E Otis
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Seven Decades of Progress: A...
General Electric Company
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Aerothermodynamics of Gas...
Gordon C. Oates
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