Church Elders /: How to...
Jeramie Rinne
Buy from $7.75
The Elder-Led Church: How an...
Murray Capill
Buy from $9.99
The Presbyterian Ruling Elder...
Paul S Wright,
Stephens G Lytch (Editor)
Buy from $6.80
eBook from $13.00
The Presbyterian Ruling Elder...
Paul S Wright,
Stephens G Lytch (Editor)
Buy from $11.32
eBook from $13.00
The Plurality Principle: How...
Dave Harvey,
Sam Storms (Foreword by)
Buy from $6.90
Acts 20: Fierce Wolves Are...
Alexander Strauch
Buy from $2.20
How Can Our Church Find a...
Mark Dever
Buy from $5.47
(Church Elders): How to...
Jeramie Rinne
Buy from $28.30
New Elder's Handbook
Greg R Scharf (Preface by),
Arthur Kok (Preface by)
Buy from $1.37
eBook from $15.00
Eldership and the Mission of...
J R Briggs,
Bob Hyatt
Buy from $1.15
eBook from $5.50
Broken Dolls
Susan D Peters
Buy from $7.30
The Presbyterian Ruling Elder...
Paul S Wright, PhD,
Stephens G Lytch (Editor)
Buy from $2.80
eBook from $10.00
Pastors and Elders: Caring...
Timothy J Mech
Buy from $3.31
The Shepherd Leader:...
Timothy Z Witmer
Buy from $3.48
Why Elders?: A Biblical and...
Benjamin Merkle
Buy from $18.37
The Elder: Today's Ministry...
Cornelis Van Dam
Buy from $5.86
Spiritual Leadership for...
Joan S Gray
Buy from $2.53
eBook from $14.00
The Elder's Handbook
Louis M Tamminga
Buy from $7.34
40 Questions about Elders and...
Benjamin Merkle
Buy from $6.21
Servants in Charge: A...
Keith M Bailey
Buy from $7.34
eBook from $6.82
Why ME?
Sheilah Steven
Buy from $12.52
Guiding God's People in a...
Louis J Tamminga
Buy from $2.95