Machine Learning and the...
Prabha Umapathy (Editor),
Jude Hemanth (Editor)
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3D Integration of Resistive...
Qing Luo (Editor)
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Cloud and Fog Optimization...
Shilpi Harnal (Editor),
Rajeev Tiwari (Editor)
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Quantum Computing: A Journey...
Mohammad Hammoudeh (Editor),
Abdullah T Alessa (Editor)
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Navigating Cyber-Physical...
Ramesh Chandra Poonia (Editor),
Kamal Upreti (Editor)
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Writings II: Communicating by...
Irina Rodica Rabeja
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Ode, Bvp, and 1d Pde Solvers...
Leonid Burstein
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Human Factors in Engineering:...
Beata Mrugalska (Editor),
Tareq Ahram (Editor)
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Computational Statistical...
Priyanka Harjule (Editor),
Azizur Rahman (Editor)
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Model-Based Enterprise:...
Bryan R Fischer
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Blockchain Technology:...
Jay Daniel (Editor),
Ashutosh Samadhiya (Editor)
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Developing Ai, Iot and Cloud...
Parul Dubey (Editor),
Gurpreet Singh Chhabra (Editor)
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Interactive and Dynamic...
A Vadivel (Editor),
K Meena (Editor)
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Neural Networks, Machine...
Manoj Sahni (Editor),
Ritu Sahni (Editor)
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Integration of Cloud...
Prabh Deep Singh (Editor),
Mohit Angurala (Editor)
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Epileptic Seizure Prediction...
Ratnaprabha Ravindra Borhade,
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Challenges in Information,...
V Sharmila (Editor),
S Kannadhasan (Editor)
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Modern SuperHyperSoft...
Florentin Smarandache (Editor),
Priyanka Majumder (Editor)
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Cyber Physical System 2.0:...
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Bhargav Appasani (Editor)
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Challenges in Information,...
V. Sharmila (Editor),
S. Kannadhasan (Editor)
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Artificial Intelligence...
Deepika Ghai (Editor),
Kirti Rawal (Editor)
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Bio-Inspired Data-Driven...
Abhishek Kumar (Editor),
Hemant Kumar Saini (Editor)
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Human Factors in Simulation...
Dennis A Vincenzi (Editor),
Mustapha Mouloua (Editor)
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Challenges in Information,...
V Sharmila (Editor),
S Kannadhasan (Editor)
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