1. Unknown Soldiers
by V?in÷ Linna, Liesl Yamaguchi (Translator)
Seller Description: 'There they stood, bumbling into lines with a bit of difficulty: Mother Finland's chosen sacrifice to world history' Unknown Soldiers follows the fates of a ramshackle troupe of machine-gunners in the Second World War, as they argue, joke, swear, cadge a loaf of bread or a cigarette, combat both boredom and horror in the swamps and pine forests - ... See More Details
ISBN-13: 9780141393650
Paperback, New
2. On the Colors of Vowels: Thinking Through Synesthesia
by Liesl Yamaguchi
Seller Description: On the Colors of Vowels investigates the nineteenth-century emergence of discourses attributing visual properties (color, brightness) to vowels in linguistics, poetics, acoustics, opera, and experimental psychology. See More Details
ISBN-13: 9781531509040
Paperback, New