AristophanesAI great anti-war drama, with comedic overtones, glorifies the power of fertility in the face of destruction. Plays for Performance Series.
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AristophanesAI great anti-war drama, with comedic overtones, glorifies the power of fertility in the face of destruction. Plays for Performance Series.
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Lysistrata takes place in they city-state of Athens. Athens at that time was devastated economically and socially because of a 30 years with the neighboring city-statesThe war dominated the Athenian way of life and after it, Athens never completely recovered from the war to its former glory. Yet despite all these serious issues, the play produces nothing but waves of laughter from its readers. Lysistrata, the name of the main female progtagonist is fed up with the war and conspires a plan to stop the war and bring the men home. What she conjures up is a sex strike, put on not only by the women of Athens, but of all Greek women. What follows is purely comical and amusing and is a must read for anyone, not just college students. Find out how this fiery woman stop a war and still have time to take care of her children.