Yaya is a young and multi-talented Chinese writer and editor currently residing in the United States who has authored popular romance novels, children's books, and books that inspired original television dramas. Ever since picking up creative writing, Yaya has fallen in love with creating fascinating stories with a young and playful heart. Believing that maintaining a pure and youthful spirit in creating stories for the world can let readers rediscover a world of forgotten innocence, she writes...See more
Yaya is a young and multi-talented Chinese writer and editor currently residing in the United States who has authored popular romance novels, children's books, and books that inspired original television dramas. Ever since picking up creative writing, Yaya has fallen in love with creating fascinating stories with a young and playful heart. Believing that maintaining a pure and youthful spirit in creating stories for the world can let readers rediscover a world of forgotten innocence, she writes to express her love for aestheticism through her words. As a lover of writing, Yaya strives to become a creator that embodies her own passion for the written word; a creator whose pride, passion, soul, and youthful innocence will be everlasting even through the trials of time. See less