Xanthe Turner
Xanthe Turner has lived in Mandurah most of her life. She is passionate about her community, the environment, animals, and art. Xanthe is rarely seen without a sketchbook, and her natural habitat is the zoo. In addition to writing, illustrating, and publishing books, Xanthe enjoys creating comics, fan art, sculpture, cosplay, and painting. Xanthe plays guitar and piano (not at the same time) and her life goal is to befriend a sentient robot.
Xanthe Turner has lived in Mandurah most of her life. She is passionate about her community, the environment, animals, and art. Xanthe is rarely seen without a sketchbook, and her natural habitat is the zoo. In addition to writing, illustrating, and publishing books, Xanthe enjoys creating comics, fan art, sculpture, cosplay, and painting. Xanthe plays guitar and piano (not at the same time) and her life goal is to befriend a sentient robot. See less