Winston Adler
Jeanne Winston Adler is the author of "Early Days in the Adirondacks: The Photographs of Seneca Ray Stoddard" (Abrams, 1997); "In The Path of War: Children of the American Revolution Tell Their Stories" (an abridgment of the original "Their Own Voices," published by Cobblestone Publg., 1998); "Chainbreaker's War: A Seneca Chief Remembers the American Revolution" (Black Dome, 2002); and "The Affair of the Veiled Murderess: An Antebellum Scandal and Mystery" (SUNY Press, 2011).
Jeanne Winston Adler is the author of "Early Days in the Adirondacks: The Photographs of Seneca Ray Stoddard" (Abrams, 1997); "In The Path of War: Children of the American Revolution Tell Their Stories" (an abridgment of the original "Their Own Voices," published by Cobblestone Publg., 1998); "Chainbreaker's War: A Seneca Chief Remembers the American Revolution" (Black Dome, 2002); and "The Affair of the Veiled Murderess: An Antebellum Scandal and Mystery" (SUNY Press, 2011). See less
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