Vijay Garg
Vijay Garg has around 11 yrs of IT experience and from past around 5 years completely working on Big-Data/Hadoop and digital technologies. He worked on almost all the flavors of Big-Data as well as some additional cutting edge technologies in digital era like MapReduce, PIG, Hive, Sqoop, Flume, Spark, Scala, Hbase, Kafka, EK stack, SolR etc. In his free time he try to design complex architecture by using digital technologies/tools in order to solve any complex problem in current world.
Vijay Garg has around 11 yrs of IT experience and from past around 5 years completely working on Big-Data/Hadoop and digital technologies. He worked on almost all the flavors of Big-Data as well as some additional cutting edge technologies in digital era like MapReduce, PIG, Hive, Sqoop, Flume, Spark, Scala, Hbase, Kafka, EK stack, SolR etc. In his free time he try to design complex architecture by using digital technologies/tools in order to solve any complex problem in current world. See less