Tom Anderson
Tom Anderson a native of Montana and longtime Florida resideTom Anderson a native of Montana and longtime Florida resident, is professor and former chair in the Department of Art Ent, is professor and former chair in the Department of Art Education at Florida State University in Tallahassee. He alsoducation at Florida State University in Tallahassee. He also has worked as a public school art teacher in Oregon and as has worked as a public school art teacher in Oregon and as a commercial artist...See more
Tom Anderson a native of Montana and longtime Florida resideTom Anderson a native of Montana and longtime Florida resident, is professor and former chair in the Department of Art Ent, is professor and former chair in the Department of Art Education at Florida State University in Tallahassee. He alsoducation at Florida State University in Tallahassee. He also has worked as a public school art teacher in Oregon and as has worked as a public school art teacher in Oregon and as a commercial artist in Chicago. He has written more than seva commercial artist in Chicago. He has written more than seventy articles, reviews, and book chapters and is the author enty articles, reviews, and book chapters and is the author of one other book, Real Lives: Art Teachers and the Culturesof one other book, Real Lives: Art Teachers and the Cultures of School. He was cofounder, in 1995, and is still a member of School. He was cofounder, in 1995, and is still a member of the International Advisory Committee of the Children's G of the International Advisory Committee of the Children's Guernica Peace Mural Project. His international teaching and uernica Peace Mural Project. His international teaching and service includes stints in Italy, Spain, Kuwait, and Japan; service includes stints in Italy, Spain, Kuwait, and Japan; talks to international audiences in Taiwan, Korea, Canada, atalks to international audiences in Taiwan, Korea, Canada, and Australia; and service in the International Baccalaureatend Australia; and service in the International Baccalaureate Program in Wales, Italy, Canada, and the United States. Ove Program in Wales, Italy, Canada, and the United States. Over the course of his career, Dr. Anderson has been particularr the course of his career, Dr. Anderson has been particularly interested in the social foundations of art and educationly interested in the social foundations of art and education, as well as art criticism and aesthetic inquiry, especially, as well as art criticism and aesthetic inquiry, especially in art for life. He is married to Mary Beth McBride and has in art for life. He is married to Mary Beth McBride and has two adult daughters, Carrie and Amelia. Melody K. Mil two adult daughters, Carrie and Amelia. Melody K. Milbrandt is an associate professor and coordinator of art educbrandt is an associate professor and coordinator of art education at Georgia State University in Atlanta. She taught artation at Georgia State University in Atlanta. She taught art in public schools (K-12) for eighteen years before moving t in public schools (K-12) for eighteen years before moving to higher education in 1996. Throughout her teaching career so higher education in 1996. Throughout her teaching career she has been active in state and national art education assoche has been active in state and national art education association, providing approximately, fifty workshops and presentiation, providing approximately, fifty workshops and presentations at professional meetings. These presentations have adations at professional meetings. These presentations have addressed her long-standing interests in creativity, cognitivedressed her long-standing interests in creativity, cognitive abilities, and social issues in the art classroom. Her diss abilities, and social issues in the art classroom. Her dissertation, "An Authentic Instructional Model for Fifth Grade ertation, "An Authentic Instructional Model for Fifth Grade Art using Postmodern Content", was awarded a J. Paul Getty FArt using Postmodern Content", was awarded a J. Paul Getty Fellowship in 1995. Since then she has written a number of arellowship in 1995. Since then she has written a number of articles, reviews, and book... See less