Steven Weyhrich
Steven Weyhrich is a family physician practicing in Omaha, Nebraska. He has extensive experience with the Apple II platform, starting with the Apple II Plus back in 1980 through the Apple IIGS in the late 1980s. He wrote articles about the Apple II for a variety of commercial publications before starting on the history of that computer in the early 1990s. He continues to maintain a keen interest in the Apple II. Since it first appeared on the Internet in the mid 1990s, his Apple II History web...See more
Steven Weyhrich is a family physician practicing in Omaha, Nebraska. He has extensive experience with the Apple II platform, starting with the Apple II Plus back in 1980 through the Apple IIGS in the late 1980s. He wrote articles about the Apple II for a variety of commercial publications before starting on the history of that computer in the early 1990s. He continues to maintain a keen interest in the Apple II. Since it first appeared on the Internet in the mid 1990s, his Apple II History web site has been the standard reference for the story of the Apple II, covering it from its beginnings to its continued life among enthusiasts today. Steven is a board-certified member of the American Academy of Family Physicians. In his spare time he occasionally writes music parodies, he's a casual gamer (both old games and new), and a Minecraft enthusiast, designing an Apple II replica in the Minecraft world large enough to walk around in. He has been married since 1986, has II grown children, II dogs and II cats. See less
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