Sonya Roy
Sonya Roy is a doctoral candidate in history at McGill University and an active member of the Montreal History Group. Her doctoral thesis is on single men in Montreal during the Great Depression of 1930s. Her research interests include immigration/deportation, citizenship, ethnicity, gender, and social policy. Sonya Roy est candidate au doctorat en histoire a l'Universite McGill et est membre active du Groupe d'histoire de Montreal. Sa these de doctorat porte sur les chomeurs celibataires a...See more
Sonya Roy is a doctoral candidate in history at McGill University and an active member of the Montreal History Group. Her doctoral thesis is on single men in Montreal during the Great Depression of 1930s. Her research interests include immigration/deportation, citizenship, ethnicity, gender, and social policy. Sonya Roy est candidate au doctorat en histoire a l'Universite McGill et est membre active du Groupe d'histoire de Montreal. Sa these de doctorat porte sur les chomeurs celibataires a Montreal pendant la crise economique des annees 30, periode particulierement difficile pour ces hommes generalement exclus des politiques d'aide gouvernementales. Ses interets de recherches concernent l'immigration/deportation, la citoyennete, l'ethnicite, le genre et les politiques sociales. See less