Sandy Day
Sandy Day is the author of Fred's Funeral, and Chatterbox Poems. Sometime in the last century, she graduated from Glendon College, York University, with a degree in English Literature. Sandy spends her summers in Jackson's Point, Ontario on the shore of Lake Simcoe. She winters nearby in Sutton by the Black River. Sandy is a trained facilitator for the Toronto Writers Collective's creative writing workshops. She is a writing teacher, developmental editor and book coach.
Sandy Day is the author of Fred's Funeral, and Chatterbox Poems. Sometime in the last century, she graduated from Glendon College, York University, with a degree in English Literature. Sandy spends her summers in Jackson's Point, Ontario on the shore of Lake Simcoe. She winters nearby in Sutton by the Black River. Sandy is a trained facilitator for the Toronto Writers Collective's creative writing workshops. She is a writing teacher, developmental editor and book coach. See less