Sandra Butler
Sandra Butler is Old, Jewish, and Queer. All the rest is commentary.If you are interested in commentary, her website is sandrabutler.netRight now, she is 86 years old, standing alongside and grateful for the generations of women putting their younger, non-arthritic shoulders to the wheel as they work to create the world we need to live in, working on her next book, delighting in the richness of her life in Tucson, and hoping not to fall.
Sandra Butler is Old, Jewish, and Queer. All the rest is commentary.If you are interested in commentary, her website is sandrabutler.netRight now, she is 86 years old, standing alongside and grateful for the generations of women putting their younger, non-arthritic shoulders to the wheel as they work to create the world we need to live in, working on her next book, delighting in the richness of her life in Tucson, and hoping not to fall. See less