Robert Velarde
Robert Velarde (MA, Southern Evangelical Seminary) is a former editor for Focus on the Family and the author of numerous books, including The Heart of Narnia (NavPress, 2008), Inside the Screwtape Letters (Baker, forthcoming), The Power of Family Prayer (National Day of Prayer, 1999), The Lion, the Witch and the Bible (NavPress, 2005) and Examining Alternative Medicine (InterVarsity Press, 2001).
Robert Velarde (MA, Southern Evangelical Seminary) is a former editor for Focus on the Family and the author of numerous books, including The Heart of Narnia (NavPress, 2008), Inside the Screwtape Letters (Baker, forthcoming), The Power of Family Prayer (National Day of Prayer, 1999), The Lion, the Witch and the Bible (NavPress, 2005) and Examining Alternative Medicine (InterVarsity Press, 2001). See less