Robert M Shusta
Robert M. Shusta, Captain ret., MPA, served over 27 years in law enforcement, and retired as a Captain at the Concord, California, Police Department. He has been a part-time instructor at numerous colleges and universities in northern California and at police academies. He is a graduate of the 158th FBI National Academy and the 4th California Command College conducted by POST. He served on state commissions responsible for developing and recommending to POST guidelines, policy, and training on...See more
Robert M. Shusta, Captain ret., MPA, served over 27 years in law enforcement, and retired as a Captain at the Concord, California, Police Department. He has been a part-time instructor at numerous colleges and universities in northern California and at police academies. He is a graduate of the 158th FBI National Academy and the 4th California Command College conducted by POST. He served on state commissions responsible for developing and recommending to POST guidelines, policy, and training on cultural awareness and crimes motivated by hate. Deena R. Levine, MA, has been providing consulting and training to organizations in both the public and private sectors since 1983. She is the principal of Deena Levine & Associates, a firm specializing in cross-cultural and communication workplace training as well as global business consulting. She and her associates, together with representatives from community organizations, have provided programs to police departments, focusing on cross-cultural and human relations. She worked at the Intercultural Relations Institute, formerly at Stanford University, developing multicultural workforce training for managers and supervisors. She wrote an additional widely used text on the cultural aspects of communication, entitled "Beyond Language: Cross-Cultural Communication "(Regents/Prentice Hall). Herbert Z. Wong, PhD, an organizational psychologist, provides cultural awareness and diversity training to law enforcement officers on local, state, and federal levels nationwide. He is President of Herbert Z. Wong & Associates, a management consulting firm to over 300 businesses, universities, government agencies, and corporations, specializing inmulticultural management and workforce diversity. In 1990, Dr. Wong co-founded and was President of the National Diversity Conference, which became the Society for Human Resource Management's Workplace Diversity Conference. He developed and provided the national Training-of-Trainers programs for the seven-part Valuing Diversity videotape series used in over 4,000 organizations worldwide. In addition, Dr. Wong has written extensive papers and publications on workforce diversity and multicultural leadership issues. Aaron T. Olson, M.Ed., is a criminal justice instructor at Portland Community College, Portland, Oregon, where he teaches police, courts, criminal investigations, cooperative education, and cultural diversity courses. He designed the first cultural diversity course and curriculum for the college's criminal justice program in 2001. Outside of academia he is an organization and training consultant, specializing in multicultural training workshops for law enforcement, corrections, telecommunications, fire services, and medical professionals. He is a retired Oregon State Police patrol sergeant and shift supervisor with 26 years police experience in communications, recruiting, and patrol assignments. He has also instructed at Oregon's Department of Public Safety Standards and Training, teaching recruit, supervision, mid-management and executive management courses. He established and still delivers public safety workshops to immigrants and refugees at the Immigrant Refugee Community Organization (IRCO), and has written instructor manuals and textbooks dealing with workforce diversity, leadership, communications, and train-the-trainer instructor courses. Philip R. Harris, PhD, is amanagement psychologist with extensive experience in both the criminal justice system and cross-cultural studies. President of Harris International, Ltd., in La Jolla, California, he is author/editor of approximately 43 volumes, including "Managing Cultural Differences" (7th ed., Butterworth-Heinemann), "Managing the Knowledge... See less