Robert Hendry
Author, railway historian and modeller Robert Hendry was born and brought up in Rugby and was introduced to the railways there from an early age through the interest of his father. He has written a number of books on various aspects of Britain's railways including signalling, infrastructure, coaches and wagons as well as on transport on the Isle of Man. Robert also produces with his wife Elena the Elro range of card kits of a number of railway and tramway subjects.
Author, railway historian and modeller Robert Hendry was born and brought up in Rugby and was introduced to the railways there from an early age through the interest of his father. He has written a number of books on various aspects of Britain's railways including signalling, infrastructure, coaches and wagons as well as on transport on the Isle of Man. Robert also produces with his wife Elena the Elro range of card kits of a number of railway and tramway subjects. See less