Realbuzz Studios
Realbuzz Studios (TM), "The World's Premier Inspirational Manga(TM)" is an innovative media content company. They have developed and created such exciting original stories, art, and media as their ground-breaking graphic novel series Serenity, which was nominated for the American Library Youth Spiritual Values Award. They earned their stripes working for Stan Lee on such projects as Gem, My Little Pony, Tiny Toons and G.I. Joe and in introducing anime to mainstream American film and video...See more
Realbuzz Studios (TM), "The World's Premier Inspirational Manga(TM)" is an innovative media content company. They have developed and created such exciting original stories, art, and media as their ground-breaking graphic novel series Serenity, which was nominated for the American Library Youth Spiritual Values Award. They earned their stripes working for Stan Lee on such projects as Gem, My Little Pony, Tiny Toons and G.I. Joe and in introducing anime to mainstream American film and video audiences. See less