Patricia Ploss
Patricia Ploss is a devoted wife and mother residing in the picturesque state of Indiana alongside her loving husband, Tony. Together, they share the joys and challenges of parenthood, blessed with two remarkable children, Dawson and Rachel. Patricia's journey as an author began with her deeply moving personal memoir, "The Dandelion Picker." This poignant account chronicles the harrowing aftermath of her son's near-fatal car accident and serves as a testament to the strength of the human spirit...See more
Patricia Ploss is a devoted wife and mother residing in the picturesque state of Indiana alongside her loving husband, Tony. Together, they share the joys and challenges of parenthood, blessed with two remarkable children, Dawson and Rachel. Patricia's journey as an author began with her deeply moving personal memoir, "The Dandelion Picker." This poignant account chronicles the harrowing aftermath of her son's near-fatal car accident and serves as a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the power of familial bonds. Patricia's raw and emotional storytelling in "The Dandelion Picker" touched the hearts of many readers and set the stage for her literary career. Beyond her compelling writing, Patricia's life is enriched by a tapestry of passions. A voracious reader, she finds solace and inspiration within the pages of books, continually expanding her horizons. Her most beloved moments are spent with her family, cherishing the precious times they share together. Daily walks with their loyal canine companion, Joe, provide moments of tranquility and reflection, fostering her creativity and nurturing her connection to the world around her. Patricia Ploss invites you to join her on a new literary adventure. Her words, infused with the wisdom and empathy gained from her life experiences, promise to captivate your heart and leave a lasting impression. Stay tuned for her upcoming work, as Patricia continues to weave tales that touch the soul and celebrate the profound beauty of human connection. See less
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