Miriam Johnson
Miriam Johnson is professor of Palliative Medicine at Hull and an honorary consultant in Palliative Medicine at St. Catherine's Hospice Scarborough and Acute Scarborough and North East Yorkshire NHS Healthcare Trust. She has strong clinical research bases in oncology and heart failure at Castle Hill Hospital. Additional clinical research partnerships include clinicians in her own clinical base in Scarborough, which includes a current joint project in Parkinsons' Disease.
Miriam Johnson is professor of Palliative Medicine at Hull and an honorary consultant in Palliative Medicine at St. Catherine's Hospice Scarborough and Acute Scarborough and North East Yorkshire NHS Healthcare Trust. She has strong clinical research bases in oncology and heart failure at Castle Hill Hospital. Additional clinical research partnerships include clinicians in her own clinical base in Scarborough, which includes a current joint project in Parkinsons' Disease. See less