Michelguglielmo Torri
MICHELGUGLIELMO TORRI, a former Harkness Fellow, a retired full Professor of Asian History (University of Turin), presently the president of 'Asia Maior, an Italian think tank on Asia', is the doyen of the Italian historians working on South Asia. He has widely published in Italian and English, with articles appeared in Economic and Political Weekly , the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society , Studies in History and The Indian Economic and Social History Review , among others.
MICHELGUGLIELMO TORRI, a former Harkness Fellow, a retired full Professor of Asian History (University of Turin), presently the president of 'Asia Maior, an Italian think tank on Asia', is the doyen of the Italian historians working on South Asia. He has widely published in Italian and English, with articles appeared in Economic and Political Weekly , the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society , Studies in History and The Indian Economic and Social History Review , among others. See less