Michael Thorpe
Michael Thorpe (1932) grew up in England and came to Canada in 1970 after teaching abroad for several years in Turkey, Nigeria, Singapore, and Holland. Thorpe taught at Mount Allison University where, until his retirement, he was Joseph Allison Professor of English. His critical work includes "Siegfried Sassoon: A Critical Study, The Poetry of Edmund Blunden", and "Doris Lessing's Africa".
Michael Thorpe (1932) grew up in England and came to Canada in 1970 after teaching abroad for several years in Turkey, Nigeria, Singapore, and Holland. Thorpe taught at Mount Allison University where, until his retirement, he was Joseph Allison Professor of English. His critical work includes "Siegfried Sassoon: A Critical Study, The Poetry of Edmund Blunden", and "Doris Lessing's Africa". See less