Statements and Arguments in Behalf of the Petitioners Before the Committee on Railroads and Canals of the Legislature of Massachusetts: 1864, on the Petition of the Boston and Worcester and Western Railroad Corporations for the Consolidation of Those...
by Massachusetts General Court Committee (Creator), Western Rail-Road Corporation (Creator), Boston and Worcester Railroad Corporati (Creator)
Report of the Hearing ... on the Subject of Increasing the Tax on Savings Banks: Containing the Argument of Hon. Francis E. Parker, with Assitions, Th
by Massachusetts General Court Joint Committee (Creator), Massachusetts General Court Committee (Creator), Massachusetts General Court Joint Commit (Creator)
Report of Hearing Before the Judiciary Committee of the Legislature: On the Petition of Charles T. Crocker, and Others, for a Registry of Deeds at Fitchburg, and Argument of Joseph Mason, Esq., Counsel for Remonstrants, Against the Petition
by Massachusetts General Court Joint Committee (Creator), Massachusetts General Court Joint Comm (Creator)
Minority Report of the Committee on Railways in Relation to the Hoosac Tunnel and the Railroads Leading Thereto: With a Bill to Incorporate the State Board of Trustees of the Hoosac Tunnel Railroad : Also the Speech Delivered by Hon. E. P. Carpenter in...
by Massachusetts. General Court. Committee on Railways and Canals