Joe Whale
Joe Whale, known as "The Doodle Boy," is a talented young artist from Shrewsbury, United Kingdom. He started drawing and painting at the age of four, creating delightful doodles of food, monsters, aliens, and other imaginative characters. He has made many television appearances in the UK, as well as in the United States. HIs signature doodles have earned him well-deserved honors including a commission from the royal family, a prestigious art scholarship, and publishing contracts with Scholastic...See more
Joe Whale, known as "The Doodle Boy," is a talented young artist from Shrewsbury, United Kingdom. He started drawing and painting at the age of four, creating delightful doodles of food, monsters, aliens, and other imaginative characters. He has made many television appearances in the UK, as well as in the United States. HIs signature doodles have earned him well-deserved honors including a commission from the royal family, a prestigious art scholarship, and publishing contracts with Scholastic and Dover Publicatons. See less