Hans J Peeters
Hans Peeters, Professor of Biology, Zoology, and Ecology emeHans Peeters, Professor of Biology, Zoology, and Ecology emeritus at Chabot College, is coauthor, with Pam Peeters, of "ritus at Chabot College, is coauthor, with Pam Peeters, of "Raptors of California" (UC Press), with E.W. Jameson, Jr., oRaptors of California" (UC Press), with E.W. Jameson, Jr., of "Mammals of California" (UC Press) and author of "Americanf "Mammals of California" (UC Press) and author of "American Hawking". His...See more
Hans Peeters, Professor of Biology, Zoology, and Ecology emeHans Peeters, Professor of Biology, Zoology, and Ecology emeritus at Chabot College, is coauthor, with Pam Peeters, of "ritus at Chabot College, is coauthor, with Pam Peeters, of "Raptors of California" (UC Press), with E.W. Jameson, Jr., oRaptors of California" (UC Press), with E.W. Jameson, Jr., of "Mammals of California" (UC Press) and author of "Americanf "Mammals of California" (UC Press) and author of "American Hawking". His illustrations have appeared in many bird guid Hawking". His illustrations have appeared in many bird guides including "The American Bird Conservancy's All the Birds es including "The American Bird Conservancy's All the Birds of North America, Book of North American Birds, " and "Birdsof North America, Book of North American Birds, " and "Birds of South Asia". An award-winning painter, two of his depict of South Asia". An award-winning painter, two of his depictions of Golden Eagles have appeared on Mexican stamps. ions of Golden Eagles have appeared on Mexican stamps. See less