Gordon Lindsay
Gordon Lindsay and his wife Freda founded Christ For The Nations in 1948 by as a missions enterprise originally called The Voice of Healing. During the past 70 years Christ For The Nations has helped complete church buildings world-wide, provided free Christian teaching literature, networked an association of international Bible schools and trained students at the Institute.
Gordon Lindsay and his wife Freda founded Christ For The Nations in 1948 by as a missions enterprise originally called The Voice of Healing. During the past 70 years Christ For The Nations has helped complete church buildings world-wide, provided free Christian teaching literature, networked an association of international Bible schools and trained students at the Institute. See less
Gordon Lindsay's Featured Books
Gordon Lindsay book reviews
Life & Teachings of Christ
Life and Teachings of Christ
by Ron S, Aug 11, 2011
As with all books penned by Gordon Lindsay, This volume as well as 2 & 3 are written in an easy to read format. Not only is the author scripturally correct but he adds a dimension that others have ... Read More
Prayer That Moves Mountains
Prayer tool
by Ron S, Jul 21, 2011
This is an excellent book written sometime back in the 20th century. I recommend this book for all who are serious about prayer. You may think that you don't need any outside help with your prayer ... Read More
Life & Teachings of Christ
Great commentary
by noedahl, Nov 18, 2007
This is the best book, or should I say series of books, that I have ever read on the life and teachings of Christ. Mr. Lindsay explains the parables very well. I have come away with a greater ... Read More