George Johnson
Peter H. Raven, Ph.D., is director of the Missouri BotanicalGeorge B. Johnson, Ph.D., is a professor of biology at WashiGeorge B. Johnson, Ph.D., is a professor of biology at Washi Garden and Engelmann professor of botany at Washington Univngton University in St. Louis and a professor of genetics atngton University in St. Louis and a professor of genetics atersity at St. Louis. He oversees the garden's internationall the university's School of Medicine. He is a prolific autho the university's...See more
Peter H. Raven, Ph.D., is director of the Missouri BotanicalGeorge B. Johnson, Ph.D., is a professor of biology at WashiGeorge B. Johnson, Ph.D., is a professor of biology at Washi Garden and Engelmann professor of botany at Washington Univngton University in St. Louis and a professor of genetics atngton University in St. Louis and a professor of genetics atersity at St. Louis. He oversees the garden's internationall the university's School of Medicine. He is a prolific autho the university's School of Medicine. He is a prolific authoy recognized research program in tropical botany--one of ther of life science texts and curriculum products in a varietyr of life science texts and curriculum products in a variety world's most active in the study and conservation of imperi of media. New to his list of works are the Explorations of of media. New to his list of works are the Explorations of led tropical habitats. Raven's botanical research and work iHuman Biology CD-ROM and the textbook Human Biology, both ofHuman Biology CD-ROM and the textbook Human Biology, both ofn the area of tropical conservation have earned him numerousfered by Wm. C. Brown Publishers. Johnson is acknowledged asfered by Wm. C. Brown Publishers. Johnson is acknowledged as honors and awards, including a MacArthur Fellowship. He has an authority on population genetics and evolution variabili an authority on population genetics and evolution variabili written 17 textbooks and more than 400 articles, and he is ty, and he has published more than 50 research papers dealinty, and he has published more than 50 research papers dealina member of th National Academy of Science and the National g with these and related topics. Visitors to the St. Louis Zg with these and related topics. Visitors to the St. Louis ZResearch Council. oo can appreciate Johnson's work in the Living World, the edoo can appreciate Johnson's work in the Living World, the educational center of which he is the founding director. ucational center of which he is the founding director. See less