Born and raised in Chicago Illinois, Furious developed an interest in writing at the age of thirteen. In November of 2002, Furious began work on his debut WHO HOLDS THE POWER? Upon having completed his second and final draft, Furious began his journey to find both an agent as well as a publisher. He failed on both counts. Feeling all but discouraged, the young author presses forward. Upon having done numerous revisions to his storyline, the plot and so on, Fury suddenly develops an interest in...See more
Born and raised in Chicago Illinois, Furious developed an interest in writing at the age of thirteen. In November of 2002, Furious began work on his debut WHO HOLDS THE POWER? Upon having completed his second and final draft, Furious began his journey to find both an agent as well as a publisher. He failed on both counts. Feeling all but discouraged, the young author presses forward. Upon having done numerous revisions to his storyline, the plot and so on, Fury suddenly develops an interest in self publishing. On October 25, 2012 Bookstand Publishing officially releases the first installment of his series debut WHO HOLDS THE POWER? See less