Ed Dean
Ed Dean has extensive experience in leading and managing organizations in the public and private sectors. In the public sector Mr. Dean served for fourteen years as the elected Sheriff of Marion County, Florida. Mr. Dean was appointed as Sheriff in 1998 by the late Governor Lawton Chiles. He was then successfully elected as Sheriff in 2000, 2004, 2008 and served until January, 2013. The Marion County Sheriff's office received the coveted Florida Governor's Sterling Award in 2008 for Performance...See more
Ed Dean has extensive experience in leading and managing organizations in the public and private sectors. In the public sector Mr. Dean served for fourteen years as the elected Sheriff of Marion County, Florida. Mr. Dean was appointed as Sheriff in 1998 by the late Governor Lawton Chiles. He was then successfully elected as Sheriff in 2000, 2004, 2008 and served until January, 2013. The Marion County Sheriff's office received the coveted Florida Governor's Sterling Award in 2008 for Performance Excellence and was recognized again in 2011 by the Florida Governor for Sustained Excellence. Mr. Dean is active in many community organizations and has served as Chairman of the Board of several not for profit and governmental organizations. Ed Dean is the author of seven other books, Luctor et Emergo, (2010), Angel in Disguise, (2011), which are biographies of his deaf parents and their amazing story of the challenges they faced in life and how they overcame them. He is co-author of Inspiration for Fifty Years, (2013), which is a history of Townley Engineering and Manufacturing Co., Inc. and the story of overcoming hardship through the faith of founders, J. O. "Jake" Townley and Helen Townley. He is co-author of The Servant Organization for Jesus, (2013), which provides a leadership and management framework to improve church operations. The Servant Organization, is a companion book to Servant Governing, (2013), also by Mr. Dean, which outlines a Framework for Achieving Organizational Excellence based upon the Four Cornerstone Framework. Caring Leadership - Creating and Sustaining a Workplace of Performance Excellence is written from the employee's perspective and also is based upon the Four Cornerstone Framework. This book, The ABC's of Bad Leadership vs. Caring Leadership Within The Servant Organization's Four Cornerstone Framework is written to examine the characteristics of negative leadership and to learn from them. See less