Doug Skinner
Doug Skinner has contributed to The Fortean Times , Cabinet , Fate , Weirdo , Nickelodeon , and other periodicals. In addition to his books of stories, comics, music, his translations of Alphonse Allais, Charles Cros, and Alfred Jarry, he has also written many scores for dance and theater, most conspicuously for Bill Irwin's The Regard of Flight , which toured for decades. TV and movie appearances include Ed , Crocodile Dundee II , several of George Kuchar's videos, and a smattering of...See more
Doug Skinner has contributed to The Fortean Times , Cabinet , Fate , Weirdo , Nickelodeon , and other periodicals. In addition to his books of stories, comics, music, his translations of Alphonse Allais, Charles Cros, and Alfred Jarry, he has also written many scores for dance and theater, most conspicuously for Bill Irwin's The Regard of Flight , which toured for decades. TV and movie appearances include Ed , Crocodile Dundee II , several of George Kuchar's videos, and a smattering of commercials. See less