Dorothy J Thompson
DOROTHY J. THOMPSON is a Life Fellow of Girton College, Cambridge, a Fellow of the British Academy and Honorary President of the International Association of Papyrologists. Her books include Kerkeosiris: An Egyptian Village in the Ptolemaic Period (Cambridge, 1971), Memphis under the Ptolemies (2nd edition, 2012), and (joint with Willy Clarysse) Counting the People in Hellenistic Egypt (Cambridge, 2006).
DOROTHY J. THOMPSON is a Life Fellow of Girton College, Cambridge, a Fellow of the British Academy and Honorary President of the International Association of Papyrologists. Her books include Kerkeosiris: An Egyptian Village in the Ptolemaic Period (Cambridge, 1971), Memphis under the Ptolemies (2nd edition, 2012), and (joint with Willy Clarysse) Counting the People in Hellenistic Egypt (Cambridge, 2006). See less