Dino Turull
It is not necessary to approach Dino Turull's images with knowledge of their sources. These figures and oddities create their own otherworldly atmosphere suitable to their own needs. Consisting of vibrant hues, illustrious backgrounds, and fantastic characters, these narrative artworks revel in their own cleverness. Technically and stylistically, they are brilliant. Playing with composition, he usually includes one to three focal points, depending on the story he is telling.
It is not necessary to approach Dino Turull's images with knowledge of their sources. These figures and oddities create their own otherworldly atmosphere suitable to their own needs. Consisting of vibrant hues, illustrious backgrounds, and fantastic characters, these narrative artworks revel in their own cleverness. Technically and stylistically, they are brilliant. Playing with composition, he usually includes one to three focal points, depending on the story he is telling. See less
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