Cynthia Flynn
Cynthia Flynn started her journey of tithing in her first full-time job. Although at times it has been scary for her to write the check and plant the seed, God says it's OK to test Him in this area, so she has. What she has discovered along her journey is that you can't out-give God. Using the principles of seed time and harvest, she shares her journey in this book to help others make a leap of faith.
Cynthia Flynn started her journey of tithing in her first full-time job. Although at times it has been scary for her to write the check and plant the seed, God says it's OK to test Him in this area, so she has. What she has discovered along her journey is that you can't out-give God. Using the principles of seed time and harvest, she shares her journey in this book to help others make a leap of faith. See less
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