Claudia Schnurmann
Claudia Schnurmann , Ph.D. (1988), University Hamburg, Professor of Atlantic History, published widely on topics from late 15th to early 21st century, including Br�cken aus Papier. Atlantischer Wissenstransfer in dem Briefnetzwerk des deutsch-amerikanischen Ehepaars Francis und Mathilde Lieber, 1827-1872 (LitVerlag, 2014) which deals with 19th century Atlantic knowledge.
Claudia Schnurmann , Ph.D. (1988), University Hamburg, Professor of Atlantic History, published widely on topics from late 15th to early 21st century, including Br�cken aus Papier. Atlantischer Wissenstransfer in dem Briefnetzwerk des deutsch-amerikanischen Ehepaars Francis und Mathilde Lieber, 1827-1872 (LitVerlag, 2014) which deals with 19th century Atlantic knowledge. See less